Peru Cajamarca

Peru Cajamarca

from $14.00

think apple, orange, prune

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Location: Cajamarca, Peru
Altitude: 1600-1900m
Varietal: Catimor, Caturra, Bourbon, Typica
Process: Washed
Roast Level: Medium-Light (City)


Tasting Notes

Aroma: Brown Sugar, Anise, Vanilla
Flavor: Prune, Hazelnut, Apple, Orange
Body: Medium
Finish: Clean, Sweet, Tart

More Info

As an origin, Peru has all the conditions necessary to produce world-class coffee: Its high elevation; prominence of good varieties like Typica, Bourbon, and Caturra; and a quality-focused movement among smallholder growers, especially in cooperatives utilizing organic husbandry, is very encouraging for the future recognition these lots will deservedly receive. We seek a softer profile in our Regional Select coffees from Peru, with a marriage of cocoa, lemon, toffee and caramel, almond, and soft fruit like plum or sweet cherry.

The vast majority of coffee in Perú is Washed, and many producers own their own wet-milling equipment, though smallholders may also deliver cherry to a central processing unit or cooperative for processing. The coffees are usually depulped the same day they are harvested and given a 12–18-hour open-air fermentation before being washed clean of mucilage. (The fermentation time may be longer in cooler areas at higher elevations.) Drying styles vary in Perú, and coffee may be dried on patios, raised beds, in parabolic dryers, or mechanically.

Cajamarca is a semi-dry, semi-cold, tropical highland of Peru with very fertile soil at high Andean mountain elevations. All of these factors contribute to the potential of specialty coffee production in the area, which is growing. Smallholder producers farm on 2-3 hectares of land, many of which practice organic farming. Most farmers in the area work independently, but the recent increase in cooperatives has been effective in increasing the quality of coffees produced in the area.